Imagine experiencing the following while at work: Repeated abusive phone calls from someone who was issued a fine. Sexual harassment while performing carer’s duties within a client’s home. Verbal abuse and intimidation after issuing a parking fine. These are just...
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Photo of medical staff talking with a patient and showing a model of the spine

Why are Lumbar Spinal Fusion (LSF) surgery outcomes for workers’ compensation patients worse than for the general population? ISCRR’s Research Lead, Dr Janine McMillan, set out to answer this question in a recently published paper in the ANZ Journal of...
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ISCRR Christmas Party group photo 2021

ISCRR Director (Monash University) It has been a year of the unexpected, opening with what we thought was a fresh start and then taking us through probably the most testing period in the pandemic. This has challenged the conduct and...
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Petra Bywood

ISCRR is immensely proud of its passionate and talented staff and we endeavour to share their achievements in this section of our newsletter. This month we are showcasing Dr Petra Bywood! At ISCRR, Petra works closely with the research team...
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Dinosaur miscommunication

By Blaire Dobiecki, ISCRR Research Communications Officer. I was once giving a presentation on the relationship between the tooth form and dietary preference of dinosaurs. I had an artist’s depiction of the teeth of a Mamenchisaurus, a herbivorous long-necked dinosaur...
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Program Logic depiction

By Dr. Sarah Oxford, ISCRR Senior Research Officer (Evaluation). Let’s start with a scenario. Your supervisor calls and requests that you spearhead a new program targeting behaviour change among Australian citizens. They iterate that the program must be on budget,...
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By Peter Anikijenko, ISCRR Knowledge Translation Officer. Have you ever quickly checked a text message or answered a call while driving? What about the risks that are taken at work? Driving safely, including not using a phone whilst driving, is...
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By Dr Jimmy Twin, ISCRR Research Communications and Translation Manager. Why is research impact important? No matter the discipline, research is carried out to achieve some form of positive impact. This impact varies according to why the research is needed...
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By Samantha Barker, ISCRR Director.  “Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” ― Mark Twain The notion that satisfaction can come from doing a job you love has been known...
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The ISCRR team want to keep you up to date with some of our research and translation activities, so please download our August 2021 newsletter here. It contains our latest research stories, event highlights, workshop insights and much more! ISCRR-newsletter-August-2021-.pdf