Welcome to the May edition of the ISCRR newsletter, and what a hive of activity it has been! On April 1st, we celebrated our 15th year anniversary. We took a moment to appreciate some of our achievements since our inception, including the completion of 322 research projects, co-designed across the fields of injury prevention, recovery, mental health, return to work and compensation systems.

The end of April also bought with it a sense of excitement as ISCRR’s funding renewal was announced for the next three years.

Infographic: ISCRR – Our History

We wish to extend our sincere gratitude to WorkSafe Victoria and Monash University for their continued support and confidence in our mission. We also express our appreciation to the dedicated team of researchers, staff, partners, and stakeholders whose unwavering commitment has been instrumental in securing this funding renewal.

We are also pleased to announce the advertisement for a new Director at ISCRR, to help guide our 2025-2027 strategy and beyond. The incoming director will lead a dedicated team, delivering an impactful research program to improve the wellbeing of the Australian working population. Further application details can be found on the Monash University career’s page here.

In this edition of our newsletter, we also have insights to share from Dr Jimmy Twin’s presentation at the International Conference of Occupational Health, ICOH 2024, Dr Sophie Pointer’s research examining the effectiveness sacroiliac joint fusion for persistent pain, and Dr Janine McMillan’s Hannover Re life insurance webinar, “It’s saving lives – Evaluation of a Pain Education Program” to the industry.

Dr Janine McMillan (above left) Dr Kim Pham (above right)

Acting Co-Directors of ISCRR


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